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The Pink Elephants Support Network

#CountOurBabies Campaign Update

Earlier this year we put a submission in to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) advocating for them to include miscarried babies in the next Australian Census. 

The ABS has rejected this submission. 

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Catherine Watts Blog

The more we amplify the different experiences of early pregnancy loss and the gaps in care the more we challenge the false narratives that exist.

Catherine is one such incredible supporter of Pink Elephants. Read more on Catherine’s and Matt's experience of unexplained infertility, recurrent miscarriage and pregnancy after loss. 

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Leave for Loss

Our Campaign for Bereavement Leave Following Early Pregnancy Loss

Women who experience miscarriage, and their partners, are now entitled to two days of paid bereavement leave as landmark legislation was put to the federal parliament on 24th June 2021.

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Why does Miscarriage matter?

Watch this video to help understand

Online Communities

Our private online private communities give women who are currently experiencing miscarriage and early pregnancy loss, a connection with others who have been there before…who ‘get it’.


Emotional support resources

We have created a suite of Emotional Support Resources to support and nurture you as you navigate your miscarriage and fertility journey. They’ve been written by women who have also experienced what you’re going through and who truly understand the rollercoaster of emotions you’re feeling.


Join our #circleofsupport

Our #circleofsupport collective is the heartbeat of Pink Elephants. Like the elephants who hold space to support a grieving mother, they understand the importance of creating safe spaces. They ensure no one walks the journey alone and create a strong #circleofsupport around all those who need it.

join now

Is your loved one going through pregnancy loss?

Is your loved one going through a loss? Unsure how to help them? It’s ok, we can help you to be there for them to ensure they don’t feel alone after losing their baby to miscarriage or pregnancy loss. Let us guide you with what to say and what you can do to support them. Thank you for taking time out of your day to be part of our #circleofsupport - you are doing an amazing thing.


Latest news View all news

Catherine Watts Blog

Experience of pregnancy loss

23 May 2024
Pink Elephants Blog

Moving Mindfully After Miscarriage.

07 May 2024
#CountOurBabies Update

The Australian Bureau of Statistics Will NOT Count Miscarriages in the Next Census

15 Sep 2023

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