I am currently going through the process of IVF. It has been a physically and emotionally rollercoaster to say the least. I wanted to share my most recent story with you as I want to advocate for change in this space.
On Wednesday night I was rushed into emergency surgery as our beautiful 6 week old embryo was growing inside my left Fallopian tube - ectopic. Very heartbreaking 💔 ED was absolutely wonderful and their care couldn’t be faulted.
The wheels started getting a little bit wobbly when I was then placed on the maternity ward for my recovery. I was laying in my maternity hospital room with posters of babies and breast feeding advice as my whole world was crumbling beneath me. I laid awake all night listening to newborn babies crying, wishing so badly it was my own baby I could hear. Watching out my door as new excited dads walked through with balloons and babies leaving in carriers ready to go home.
I understand being on the maternity ward as that’s where all the OB's and gynecologists' are. But surely, in today’s society we can be a little more considerate and empathetic towards our fellow warriors, going through the grieving process?
Physically I can deal with one less Fallopian tube and a few new scars, but emotionally I honestly feel a bit broken from the whole experience. I’m hoping when I am strong enough I can advocate for some change in this space. I hate to think that other people go through this experience. Thank you for always advocating for us and supporting us through this wild ride.
- Asha xx