The State of Early Pregnancy Loss & Fertility Support in the Workplace 2024
In Australia, between 100,000-150,000 couples every year
will report an early pregnancy loss.¹⁻³
That’s 285 pregnancies lost every single day.¹ ²
1 in 6 people suffer from fertility-related issues⁴, often resulting in them having to endure multiple treatment cycles with no assurance they will ever achieve a pregnancy. 74% of women who suffer a miscarriage report feeling unsupported by those around them - this includes workplaces.
- Nearly half of Australia's workforce is female.5
- 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage annually, affecting 100-150,000 couples.6
- The median absenteeism after miscarriage is 7 working days.7
- Presenteeism* post-miscarriage is 13.2% higher than absenteeism.8
- Miscarriage often leads to prolonged distress and depression for up to three years.9
- Untreated depression costs $9,660 per employee annually.10
Miscarriage and infertility can induce an intense period of emotional distress if left unsupported, which can lead to heightened anxiety symptoms and/or depression. We want to ensure that you have the information and tools needed to empathetically and successfully support your employees so that women and their partners not only feel more supported but that the risk of ongoing emotional and psychological distress is reduced.

The chances are high that someone in your workplace is being impacted by miscarriage and/or fertility struggles right now. We want to help you give them the opportunity to grieve their loss by providing them the support, empathy, and understanding they need. That will reduce the likelihood of long-term poor mental health outcomes.
Most women will share with colleagues and people leaders, but how equipped are your people to meet them with understanding and empathy? We can support your people with our specialised workplace content and training that guides them through how to support someone through pregnancy loss and fertility challenges. Fostering a more empathetic workforce is good for business and these soft skills taught through our programs can be advantages elsewhere in the workplace. Contact us now to find out more about our Workplace program - email

In a competitive labour market, employers need to distinguish themselves to attract, retain and motivate employees, as well as ensure that workers remain healthy. The provision of healthcare and wellness initiatives can assist organisations to position themselves as an employer of choice."
Gallup 2016
So how can you ensure that your workplace is leading the way in this vital area of staff support?
The Pink Elephants Workplace Support Program has been designed to give your people the information and tools needed to provide support and empathy to those experiencing the loss of their baby at a time where they would otherwise be quietly struggling alone.
Many workplaces are ill-equipped for supporting a woman’s return to work following a miscarriage. In many cases, there is a lack of policy and structure (e.g. limited leave provisions and tailored emotional support) and training for people leaders. Often, the miscarriage may be the first the workplace knows of the woman’s pregnancy. Pink Elephants successfully lobbied the Federal Government to amend the Fairwork Act of Australia to include miscarriage under bereavement/compassionate leave. You can read more about our Leave for Loss campaign here.
Management of the physical aspects of miscarriage require work absences, and the ongoing emotional burden and grief can impact a woman’s participation in the workforce. Providing safe, supportive environments by empowering managers and colleagues, and providing clear policies and procedures, can enable a woman to return to work ready to work.
The Pink Elephants Workplace Support Program educates workplaces on the impact of pregnancy loss and fertility challenges. It provides them with the resources and information to support their employees through these challenges.
We have spent the last three years working closely with the early adopters of our Workplace program, organizations such as MinterEllison, PwC, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Westpac, QBE, Bupa APAC, Dexus and Zip to listen deeply and build a program our partners and we are proud of. Every day we hear the impact and the difference our program makes to women and their partners who are navigating the devastating loss of their baby and returning to work.
QBE Head of Diversity, Inclusion, and Wellbeing Catherine McNair told us
"We recognize that becoming a parent is a significant milestone and our commitment to being a family-friendly employer enables our people to thrive and integrate career and family through our inclusive policies, practices, and culture. "The wellbeing of our people is our priority, and with 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in miscarriage, we are proud to partner with Pink Elephants to provide the support, tools and resources for our people and their partners during this difficult time of loss and grieving".
Joining our program gives you access to:
- Specialised support content for People Leaders and Colleagues of those experiencing pregnancy loss, miscarriage, and/or fertility challenges
- Support Content for women and their partners on their journeys
- Internal Peer Support Companion Training
- People Leader Learning sessions
- Panel Discussions and Webinars
- Access to global first research into Pregnancy Loss in the Workplace
- Employee Engagement Initiatives
Example of one our specialised Workplace Resources
Contact Karina Stafford to request an overview of all the licensed content, and obtain pricing details for the Pink Elephants Workplace Support Program
Exclusive Workplace Support Program Partner

1. Oderberg I, 2023, Hard to Bear: Investigating the science and silence of miscarriage, Ultimo Press.
2. Miscarriage Australia. Miscarriage Australia 2022.
3. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Births, Australia [Internet]. Canberra: ABS; 1997 [cited 2023 August 11]. Available from:$File/33010_1997.pdf.
4. Infertility prevalence estimates, 1990–2021. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
5. Australian Government - Gender Equality Workplace Statistics at a Glance - 2022
6. Collins et al., 2014
7. Melanie Keep, Samantha Payne & Jane Ellen Carland (2021): Experiences of Australian women on returning to work after miscarriage, Community, Work & Family, DOI: 0/13668803.2021.1993140
8. PwC, The Economics of Stillbirth in Australia
9. Cheung, Chan, & Ng, 2013; Farren et al., 2018
10. Beyond Blue: “The Business Case for Taking Action” 2014
Pink Elephants Workplace Support Program Overview