Love and Loss
Our hearts broke again that day,
I’m sorry there’s no heartbeat, I heard them say.
The room was silent, I gasped for air.
This heartbreak again, I couldn’t bear.
My mind is racing, I don’t understand?
No words spoken, we just held hands.
The grief so profound, how could this be true?
Last week we saw your heart beat, we saw you.
Our world comes crashing down once more,
Years of heartache and now this loss is four.
The pain, the suffering, the mental load,
I feel numb and I’m in survival mode.
Another operation, the fear sets in.
What’s our next step? Where do we begin?
I see families together, if only they knew,
The pain I’ve endured to try and be you.
Each day I wake up - I feel empty, I cry.
So many questions like how and why.
When is it our turn ? Will it ever be us?
What more can we do but hope and trust.
Some day, some time our baby will come
And I can dream of the day I’ll be called mum.
So through the most difficult time of our lives,
We do our best just to try and survive.
And as we navigate this next chapter together,
Starting our family will be our priority forever.
- Hayley

"I shared this poem in the hope that it gives others a better understanding of the grief and heartache that comes with loss. Grief can affect everyone so differently and whilst it has changed me in many ways, I continue through this journey with hope." Hayley