It can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook after early pregnancy loss.
Practicing self care is a really important part of the healing process and there are several things you can do to put yourself in the best frame of mind to thrive in a future pregnancy.
Here we look at different ways to nurture your emotional wellbeing, and bring you one step closer to feeling like yourself again.

It can be very cathartic to put pen to paper in a beautiful journal. Write whatever comes to mind and try not to filter it. It can really help to collect your thoughts, feelings and emotions and assimilate them into some sort of order or rational space.

Gratitude Journal
Finding things to feel positive about can be very hard in those early days and weeks after a miscarriage, and this is where a Gratitude Journal comes in. Each day take the time to think and write down 3 things you are grateful for. Even on the hardest of days really try and search for the light and find those little moments of happiness.

There are lots of colouring books available these days, or perhaps you are a natural artist. However you use art, it’s a method that has been used repeatedly to help people heal from loss and grief. Taking 15 minutes or more to yourself to focus on something other than your immediate thoughts can only be positive.


There are different levels and styles of Yoga, but in terms of healing after loss, a Yin or ‘slow flow’ class can be helpful..
There are different levels and styles of Yoga, but in terms of healing after loss, a Yin or ‘slow flow’ class can be helpful. It focuses not so much on fitness but more on mental wellbeing and the release of emotions. There is also Yoga Nidra, a form of yogic sleep which can give your body and mind a much needed rest. You can download this in an app form if you’d like to try it at home rather than in a class environment.

Even just 5-10 minutes a day of meditation can work wonders. There are many different apps available, but some that we recommend are: Headspace, Buddhify, Smiling Mind.

Exercise is well recognized as a way of helping to keep mental health in check. If nothing else, just being out in the fresh air and/or sunshine is good for the soul. Either walk/run with just the sounds of the world going on around you, or pop some earphones in and listen to some music. Concentrate on the rhythm of your walking, the beats of the music and your breathing.

Sharing & Talking
In those early weeks of raw all-consuming grief, it’s important to talk and share your feelings with a close friend, your partner or a professional. It’s also good for those closest to you to know how you’re doing and what they can do to support you. Remember, if we all find the courage to share our miscarriage journeys with others then we are helping to break the taboo around it which can only be positive for the women who will inevitably follow in our path.

Movies & Reading – Escapism
Books and movies and a great form of escapism. Not that we are suggesting you run away from your grief or try to ignore what you are feeling – not at all. Sometimes though, it helps to escape into someone else’s world for a period of time, and give yourself a break during those difficult days that can sneak up on you.

Self Care
It can be very easy (and often necessary) to get straight back into the daily grind and as a result, we forget to look after ourselves. In the aftermath of loss, it’s important to relearn this skill and tune into your needs. It can be something as simple as having a bath with candles, nice music and chocolate or as luxurious as a day spa and high tea with girlfriends. Take some time each day to switch off your phone/TV/device and zone out, even if it’s just 10 minutes with a cup of tea.
We are all different and we all have different coping mechanisms after loss and trauma. Listen to your gut instincts and do what feels right for you. Whatever you choose, make time each day for a little bit of ‘me time’ to nurture your emotional wellbeing. We promise it will really help you to move forward.