Pink Elephants is committed to research and evidence-based support for couples who have experienced early pregnancy loss.
In doing so, we conduct our own research into women and their partners’ experiences, and support research by established organisations that have received approval by a Human Research Ethics Committee.

If you would like to recruit participants via the Pink Elephants, please note:
- Priority will be given to research projects that directly align with our strategic aims
- Priority will be given to research collaborators of the Pink Elephants
- Research can be promoted through the Pink Elephants via our website, our social media, a notice in our online support group, or a notice in our newsletter. This will be at the discretion of the Pink Elephants
- All research projects must demonstrate approval by a Human Research Ethics Committee
- Researchers must advise the Pink Elephants in writing when they are no longer recruiting so that we can keep our notices up to date
- A copy of a one-page lay summary of the findings should be made available after the project is completed on the Pink Elephants website.
If you wish to promote your research via the Pink Elephants, please contact with the following information:
- Project title
- Short blurb of your research project, including study objectives
- Evidence of HREC approval
- Participant Information Statement
- Recruitment materials (e.g. approved notices, flyers)
If you wish to partner with the Pink Elephants on future projects, please contact .
To participate in any of our projects please visits our Current Projects page.