The day my life came crumbling down
The moment you get those two lines on the test is a day you never forget and the day your life completely changes.
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Be kind to yourself and your uterus
It will be one year next month since I started my journey to try for a baby. And my journey is still not over. I wanted to write my story now while I am still childless because I think it’s important.
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You don't have to suffer in silence
“I’m sorry there is no heartbeat.” Hearing these words said to me was beyond heart-breaking. Sadly, I’ve heard this said to me twice.
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A crack in my heart
Last week proved to be the hardest week of my entire life. It was the week in which I lost my baby. And my world broke open. It fell apart.
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Shadows of a Miscarriage
I was 14 and a half weeks along in my second pregnancy when I experienced our miscarriage. Our hearts were broken and the tears were continual. Our world stopped spinning. What I didn’t really understand before this happened, was the shadow that extends beyond the miscarriage itself....
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My Miscarriage During Covid-19
I found out I was pregnant early May which delighted us to be expanding our family (we already have a 2 and half year old). From around 5-10 weeks I was so ill due to the pregnancy – bedridden, sick, dizzy, unable to look after our daughter, all good signs of a healthy pregnancy, so they say.
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Ectopic Pregnancy - Location Unknown
It sounds so cold and clinical – “unknown location”. But that’s what it’s called. Your body is sending all the signals that you are pregnant, but a baby can’t be seen on the screen anywhere. It started when I got what I thought was my period. I bled for 11 days straight and had a pain on my right side so I thought I should probably go to the doctor.
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Due for a Miscarriage
Statistically, I was “due” for a miscarriage. It happens to one in four women in Australia. But after three healthy pregnancies, I never considered miscarriage to be a real threat. I had conceived naturally and with ease and felt very “compatible” with pregnancy. Foolishly, I didn’t think it would happen to me.
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In My Heart & In My Memories
I always found it strange when people said ‘I/we lost the baby’. So, when it was my turn to use that phrase, I just couldn’t. For me, a miscarriage was attached to images of women bleeding and experiencing a huge physical loss. I didn’t have these things.
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Blighted Ovum, Miscarriage #1
One moment I will never forget, and forever appreciate is when she turned to my husband and asked "how are you?"
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Austin's Story
In my heart I knew.
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Mother's Day miscarriage
I was brushing my daughters hair and suddenly I felt a thud that literally took my breath away. I ran to the bathroom and there it was.
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It all started a late Sunday morning
My thoughts ranged from “this is a dream” to “what have I done wrong?”
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You are a mother and your baby was real
I carry my love for my baby and the grief at equal measure. My pregnancy was real and my baby was real.
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Still grieving
My GP said it was ok to let it pass naturally, which I did, but the wait was absolutely awful.
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Sharing my miscarriage story
Still to this day, I cry and cry for my lost daughter. I wonder what she would be like, her looks, her personality.
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Miscarriage Not Forgotten (poem)
It's exactly 40 years ago
I still remember...
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Missed miscarriage all alone
My mothers response “don’t get yourself upset”……. I’ll never ever forget those words!!
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A poem to the daughter I lost too soon
You were supposed to morn over me. In a very long time.
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I never thought it would happen to me
This was the worst 24 hour wait of our lives. Not knowing what was happening, and whether the baby was still alive or not. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.
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My sun, my everything
I am desperately trying to move on, to genuinely smile again.
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My story of miscarriage and what I want others to know
“Don’t worry you can try again, at least you know you can get pregnant.” “You weren’t very far along; you’ll recover in no time” “This is very common; a lot of women go through this.” I still remember these phrases that tumbled out of the doctor’s mouth in the emergency department while he tried to console my husband and me. Our much longed for and prayed for baby wasn’t staying with us. With me.
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Brooke's story
My world crumbled and I was succumbed with anxiety.
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Ectopic pregnancy
Your miscarriage, your loss, your feelings are all valid. You should never have to suffer alone.
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Medical Misogyny: "At Least it's just a miscarriage" with Kiera Rumble
Founder of Krumbled Food and longtime supporter of the Pink Elephant's, Kiera Rumble shares her experiences of early pregnancy loss, medical misogyny, fertility challenges and HG. She's had a huge journey. She shares with so much empathy and understanding that comes from her lived experiences. She is a strong voice advocating for change in this space. Watch our podcast with Kiera below:
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Love and Loss (poem)
Our hearts broke again that day, I’m sorry there’s no heartbeat, I heard them say.
The room was silent, I gasped for air....